Well, it kind of is. Since, you know, this is my blog and stuff. I often find it difficult to talk about myself at random, and prefer to be asked direct questions. That way, I can formulate a more precise answer, and don’t accidentally over share. But, in the spirit of writing an “About Me” page, I will give an extremely brief run down on my life in a very vague, general manner. I am married to my soul mate. My other half. The person who completes me as a human being. Together, we have three beautiful children: Weise, 7; Valerie, 4; Adler, 18 months old. They are some of the most amazing people I have ever met and if I am away from them for more than a few hours, I genuinely miss them. We live in our dream home in the country on a couple of acres, with two cats, two dogs, 12 hens and three roosters. Tim dreams of one day having his Workshop, a few goats, a freezer stocked full with only that which he has hunted himself and a garden productive enough to provide for us through hard times, like the Zombie Apocalypse. I dream of having a craft space that will provide room to expand my crafty wings, and satisfy my creative nature, to have llamas and alpacas for fiber, sheep for fiber and meat, and to have a garden oasis where we can retreat in quiet times to reground ourselves and take time to smell the roses-that I grow. I gave up a frantic job in the healthcare industry to stay home until all our children are in school. I am very lucky and never take it for granted. That said, I find myself frustrated with idle hands (you wouldn’t think it, with that much going on and so many dependents, right??) But I have worked for a very long time. I’m used to providing part to half of our income. I like to feel that I contribute something to the household, other than keeping the various living creatures around me alive and somewhat clean.

I have always been involved in arts and crafts. I learned to crochet from my grandma when I was seven. Learned to hand-knit shortly after that. At 12, I learned to knit with needles. I loved to draw, grow things in the garden, and dress up my various cats-I have always been a cat person, and just maybe a cat in a former life. I was taught to embroider when I was 13, and could churn out tea towels that could make the Queen Mother cry. I taught myself to sew clothing when I was 14, and learned to cross-stitch around that time, as well.  At 15, I made my first sale: a beautiful heirloom quality granny square baby afghan in white, with a pointed border all around. Tiny pink crocheted  roses graced the center of every other square, and sweet, simple tassels hung from each point on the border.  It was crib-sized, and sold for $165.00. Since then, I have sold things here and there, but have mostly done commission work of requested items. But with every cent I made, I have always said “too bad I can’t just do this for a living”. So, when Adler came along, and we were in the position to do so, I quit my job, and here I am now!

If it weren’t for my super awesome super hero cousin Wonder Woman sharing our horoscope for the year with me, I might not have had the drive to get a move on things. Do horoscopes predict the future? Or is it the mere suggestion with a hint of promise of the greatness you can achieve, the hurtles you can overcome, or the love you can find if you only apply yourself to what is needed to reach these goals that pushes us to create our future, in all its foreseeable unpredictableness? Whatever it is, I’m grateful for it. =^..^=

Update: 01/24/2014-Tavin has joined our family born 11/03/2013 and is a sweet, smiley baby loved by his big brothers and sister and I realized my dream of owning sweet, beautiful fiber animals-llamas, sheep and angora goats!

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